World Mental Health Day 2023: If work-life balance isn’t working, try some new ideas

Work-life balance is ineffective, why? It’s time to adopt a fresh strategy. In advance of World Mental Health Day, experts provide advice.

By definition, balance refers to a situation in which things are equally important, but the phrase itself places a tremendous burden on individuals in today’s harsh world because maintaining a constant state of balance between work and life is not only challenging but also an unachievable ideal to pursue. However, achieving and maintaining a work-life balance is possible.


The head of human resources at Grip, Nimisha Dua, said in an interview with HT Lifestyle conducted before World Mental Health Day that “work-life harmony understands that life involves a dynamic interplay of roles and responsibilities, where the borders between work and personal life are permeable.

It is essential for people to seek harmony among their many roles rather than a rigid balance. It focuses on five key steps: pause and question the normalization of imbalance, be aware of your feelings, evaluate your priorities, consider other options, and make the appropriate adjustments.

This approach entails constant self-reflection and change rather than being a one-time fix. Adopting the idea of work-life balance helps us to handle the complexities of our complex lives with more ease and satisfaction. It is not only achievable but also essential for our success.

Work-life balance is ineffective, why? Elixir-Consulting Executive Director Maya Nair indicated it is time to adopt a new strategy and advised, “Let’s focus on integrating work and life in a way that fosters our personal growth and well-being, rather than aiming for an illusive equilibrium.

world mental

The traditional idea of ‘work-life balance

The traditional idea of ‘work-life balance’ frequently falls short of addressing the demands of modern life in the fast-paced world of today. It is essential that we change our attitude and look into proactive measures for a more peaceful and fulfilling existence if we want to actually improve our general well-being and promote personal growth.

“Moreover, making time for self-care and cherishing special moments with our loved ones is crucial,” she continued. We may succeed in both our personal and professional lives by keeping a calm and in-the-moment mindset. This ultimately results in greater overall efficacy.

We may more effectively manage our resources for the greatest impact by saying “yes” to initiatives that support our priorities and “no” to those that do not. These simple yet effective methods provide us the ability to build a life that is more cogent and driven by purpose, ultimately preparing us to become the best versions of ourselves.

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