World International Literacy Day in 2023

Every year on September 8, the world celebrates International Literacy Day, a momentous occasion that emphasizes the importance of literacy to individual growth and societal advancement. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) created this international day to raise awareness of the value of literacy in preserving human rights and dignity.

The purpose of the day is to encourage global literacy initiatives. 76 crore adults and children worldwide will lack basic literacy skills in 2020, according to UNESCO.

International Literacy Day

History of International Literacy Day

The World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, which took place in Tehran, Iran, in 1965, is where the origins of International Literacy Day may be found. The notion of a day devoted to encouraging literacy on a global scale was inspired by this conference. Consequently, at its 14th General Conference in 1966, UNESCO formally proclaimed September 8 as International Literacy Day. On September 8, 1967, a year after this unique day had been established, people all around the world observed it for the first time, starting an important annual tradition.


Significance of International Literacy Day

Approximately 775 million people worldwide do not possess even the most basic literacy skills, according to UNESCO. Unbelievably, one in five persons is still illiterate, and a large gender disparity exists because two-thirds of these people are female.

Millions of kids miss school or attend on an irregular basis, and the COVID-19 pandemic’s effects have made these issues even worse. 11 million of the over 24 million students who may never return to formal education are girls and young women.

Governments and other responsible parties can use International Literacy Day as an opportunity to highlight literacy rate improvements and to come up with plans to make literacy more widely available.


The theme of International Literacy Day 2023

UNESCO selects a new theme for the day each year. Promoting literacy for a society in transition: Laying the groundwork for sustainable and peaceful communities is the focus of International Literacy Day in 2023. The transformative potential of literacy in influencing the future is highlighted by this theme. It expands on the knowledge and perceptions gained from recent events like the Transforming Education Summit and the Seventh International Conference on Adult Education.

On September 8, 2023, a worldwide celebration of this theme will take place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. The UNESCO International Literacy Prizes award ceremony, which honors exceptional initiatives devoted to increasing literacy globally, will also take place at the event.

International Literacy

Students can improve society in addition to participating in conversations by donating books to public libraries, donation centers, adoption centers, or any other locations where kids and others from different backgrounds can access these books. This encourages the dissemination of knowledge, broadens horizons, and encourages others to learn more about their surroundings.


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