Is today, August 26 Mother Teresa’s birthday? n honorary citizen of the United States, and other information

Mother Teresa’s birth anniversary is today, August 26, and her incredible path is marked by a plethora of altruistic actions and deep contributions to mankind. Here are some lesser-known facts regarding this exceptional nun’s life and work.

Mother Teresa's

Mother Teresa’s, sometimes known as the “Saint of the Gutters,”

Mother Teresa, sometimes known as the “Saint of the Gutters,” was not only a well-known humanitarian on a global scale, but she was also an honorary citizen of the United States. She earned this extraordinary honor in recognition of her lifetime of effort and unrelenting dedication to alleviating the suffering of the disadvantaged and marginalized. These are some of her lesser-known facts.

Mother Teresa left her home at the age of 18 to join the Sisters of Loreto in Dublin to follow her calling as a nun. She never got the chance to see her family again after that.

Her religion did not always remain strong throughout her life. Come Be My Light, a combined collection of Mother Teresa’s writings, comprises a variety of papers and private letters, many of which witness to the numerous times she grappled with uncertainties about her faith and God. Even going so far as to say, “Deep down, there is nothing in me by emptiness and darkness.”

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Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu was her birth name, with ‘Anjeze’ meaning a little flower in Albanian. Interestingly, she was born on August 26, 1910, but she opted to celebrate her genuine birthday on August 27, making it an important day in her life.

The famed nun received over 120 prizes and accolades, including the Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize in 1962 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

Another intriguing detail is her friendship with Princess Diana. In addition to praying together during their final meeting in 1997, they wandered around the streets of New York City hand in hand. Princess Diana died in a vehicle accident on August 31, and Mother Teresa died five days later.

In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and his wife awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mother Teresa. Mother Teresa was a rare exception to this tradition, even though this medal is typically awarded to Americans who have made exceptional contributions to their nation.

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