Diwali crackers 2023: How to identify and recognize green crackers for an eco-friendly gathering

Diwali 2023: check what green crackers are and how to spot them for a safer and more environmentally friendly holiday. Together, let’s turn this Deepawali green.

People are busy getting ready for Diwali, the festival of lights and joyous spirits, which is quickly approaching. They are cleaning their homes and buying new outfits, among other things. One of the biggest Hindu holidays, Diwali is observed with a lot of fanfare and celebration all over India.

green crackers

This year, on Sunday, November 12, the Festival of Lights will be held with much fanfare and enthusiasm. The victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and hope over despair is celebrated on this day. Diwali celebrations include more than just decorating homes with lights and diyas; they also involve making rangolis, getting new outfits, doing puja, and enjoying crackers and fireworks.

Although setting up crackers might be entertaining, it’s crucial to take the climate into account given the rising environmental concerns and the detrimental effects of traditional crackers on pollution. In an effort to lessen noise and air pollution, many locations are now encouraging eco-friendly and silent Diwali festivities. Green and environmentally friendly crackers are an option if you still wish to burn them. Continue reading to learn more.

Green crackers: what are they?

what are green

The CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR NEERI) defines “green crackers” as firecrackers that have a smaller shell, don’t produce ash, and/or have additives like dust suppressants to lower emissions, particularly particulate matter. The barium chemicals that give these crackers their unique green color are absent from them.

One metal oxide that contaminates the air and produces noise is barium. When green crackers burn, water vapor is released, which lowers the amount of dust released. Green firecrackers are around thirty percent quieter than traditional firecrackers, which have sounds of between 110 and 125 decibels. traditional firecrackers have sounds of about 160 decibels.

How are green crackers recognized?

The Quick Response (QR) code and the CSIR-NEERI and PESO logos, which are both distinctly colored green, are used to identify green crackers. Additionally, there are three types of green crackers:

Water vapor is released into the atmosphere via SWAS (Safe Water Releaser), which lowers dust. It contains neither potassium nitrate nor sulfur, and it emits 30% less particulate matter.


STAR (Safe Thermite Cracker): produces less particulates and lowers sound intensity. It doesn’t contain sulfur or potassium nitrate.

SAFAL: It uses more magnesium and less aluminum. In comparison to conventional firecrackers, it makes less noise.

Aside from these three distinct categories, it is recommended to purchase from authorized retailers as opposed to street traders. People should ideally hold these crackers at arm’s length and light them with a long candle or phooljhari, keeping their elbows straight to increase the distance between their body and the cracker.

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