Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight and seeking the finest Indian diet plan? Simple rules apply. All you have to do is start consuming the appropriate foods. Given our eating patterns and food culture, this may seem like an insurmountable undertaking. For instance, a typical Indian dinner is high in sugar and carbohydrates since we consume a lot of sweets, rice, and potatoes.

We also adore snacks and can’t image going a day without getting our fix of nankeens and bhajis. We encourage our friends and family to eat more, even as an act of charity and love, and we see declining an extra helping as a rejection. However, India’s current status of health is concerning. One in four Indians, according to the NFHS (2019–2021), are obese. It’s crucial to realize that being overweight or obese can increase your risk of acquiring diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, and even cancer in light of the data.


Understand the Science Behind Weight Loss

Intake and output of calories are important factors in weight gain and loss. Simply defined, weight loss occurs when calorie intake is lower than calorie expenditure, and weight gain occurs when calorie intake is higher than calorie expenditure.

Simply eating within your calorie budget and exercising as much as necessary will help you shed those extra pounds.

Knowing how many calories your body needs, however, is insufficient. For instance, even though three gulab jamuns, three slices of cheese pizza, and two samosas contain 550 calories apiece, they are still poor food choices that may eventually lead to other health problems, such as high cholesterol and blood sugar.

You also need to make sure your diet is balanced, or that it includes all the food groups and offers all the nutrients you want for an optimal healthy lifestyle if you wish to lose weight.


Weight management is based on calorie intake and expenditure. You want to burn more calories than you take in in order to lose weight. To reduce weight, a calorie deficit must be kept up. It also matters what kind of calories are consumed. Having a well-balanced diet that meets your individual needs is the greatest method to reduce weight.

The Best Diet to Lose Weight for Both Men and Women

No one food has all the nutrients the body requires to remain healthy. Consequently, it is advisable to consume a balanced diet that consists of both macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

The five main food groups are included in the finest Indian diet for weight loss.

Dietary Guidelines for 1200 Calorie Weight Loss for Men and Women

On what should be included in a perfect diet chart, much might be said. However, a person’s dietary needs can vary depending on a number of circumstances. Depending on the gender, it could change.

Geographical factors may also be at play, as South Indian and North Indian cuisines differ significantly. Therefore, as a vegetarian or vegan consumes food very differently from a non-vegetarian, meal choices come into play here.

However, we have created a diet strategy that works well with Indian cuisine for weight loss. This sample 7-day diet, commonly referred to as a 1200-calorie diet plan, should not be followed by anyone without seeing a nutritionist.

Day 1 of the weight loss diet plan chart

  • Have oat porridge with mixed nuts for breakfast after starting the day with cucumber water.
  • After that, lunch will consist of roti with dal and gajar matar sabzi.
  • Dinner will be dal and lauki sabzi with roti after that.

Day 1 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Oatmeal with Skim Milk (1 bowl)

Mixed Nuts (25 grams)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 Katori)
2:10 PM (One katori) Dal1 katori Gajar Matar Sabzi

Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Buttermilk (1 glass) and Cut Fruits (1 cup)

5:30 PM 1 mug of tea with milk and little sugar

8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 Katori)

9:00 PM Lauki Sabzi (1 katori) and Dal (1 katori)

Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Day 2 of the diet plan for weight loss

  • Eat a stuffed roti with mixed vegetables and curd for breakfast on the second day.
  • Lunch will consist of half a Katori of lentil curry and methi rice.
  • After that, have sautéed vegetables and green chutney to round out your day.

Day 2 Diet Chart

6:30 One glass of cucumber detox water

8:00 AM Roti filled with mixed vegetables and 1.5 Katori of curd

12:00 PM Paneer made with skim milk, 100 grams

2:00 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)

2:10 PM (0.75 bowls) Lentil Curry Rice with Methi (0.5 Katori)

4:00 PM Apple (0.5 tiny, 2-3/4′′ dia.) One glass of buttermilk

5:30 PM (0.5 tea cup) Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar

8:50 PM 1 katori of mixed vegetables

9:00 PM 1 katori of sauteed vegetables with paneer 1 roti and 1 chapati

(2 tablespoons) of green chutney

Day 3 of Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • On day 3, breakfast would consist of yogurt made with skim milk and multigrain toast.
  • In the afternoon, have paneer, sautéed vegetables, and some green chutney.
  • To make sure you conclude the day on a healthy note, eat half a Katori of methi rice and some lentil curry.

Day 3 Diet Chart

6:30 AM One glass of cucumber detox water
8:00 AM Yogurt made with skim milk, 1 cup (8 fl oz) Two multigrain toasts
12:00 PM Paneer made with skim milk, 100 grams
2:00 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
2:10 PM 1 katori of sauteed vegetables with paneer 1 roti and 1 chapati (2 tablespoons) of green chutney

4:00 PM Banana (0.5 tiny; 6-7/8′′ to 6′′ long) One glass of buttermilk
5:30 PM Tea with Milk and Less Sugar (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
9:00 PM (0.75 bowls) of lentil curry Rice with Methi (0.5 Katori)

Day 4 Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • Start Day 4 with an egg omelet and a fruit and nut yogurt smoothie.
  • Serve roti, bhindi sabzi, and moong dal after that.
  • Steamed rice and palak chole are the last meal of the day.

Day 4 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Glass of cucumber detox water
8:00 AM Fruit and Nut Yogurt Smoothie (0.75″ glass)

Omelette with one egg per serving

12:00 PM 100 grams of paneer produced with skim milk
2:00 PM Salad with mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
2:10 PMCooked Green Gram Whole Dal (1 katori) (1 katori) Bhindi sabzi

1 roti and 1 chapati

4:00 PM One orange (2-5/8″ diameter) fruit. One glass of buttermilk
5:30 PM (0.5 teacup) Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar
8:50 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
9:00 One bowl of pak choy Rice Steamed (0.5 Katori)

Day 5 Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • Have a cup of skim milk and some pea poha for breakfast on the fifth day.
  • Have a missi roti with a low-fat paneer meal in the afternoon.
  • The perfect way to end the day is with roti, curd, and aloo baingan tamatar ki sabzi.

Day 5 Diet Chart

6:30 One glass of cucumber detox water
8:00 AM Milk skimmed (1 glass) Poha (1.5 Katori) of peas
12:00 PM 100 grams of skim milk-made paneer
2:00 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
2:10 PM Paneer Curry with Less Fat (1.5 Katori) (1 Roti) Missi Roti
4:00 PM (1 cup, 1″ chunks) papaya One glass of buttermilk
5:30 PM 1 mug of tea with milk and little sugar
8:50 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
9:00 PM (1.5 katori) curd One katori of Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi

1 roti and 1 chapati

Day 6 Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • On Day 6, have idli and sambar for breakfast.
  • Lunch will be roti with curd and aloo baingan tamatar ki sabzi.
  • Eat green gram with roti and bhindi sabzi to conclude Day 6.

Day 6 Diet Chart

6:30 AM One glass of cucumber detox water
8:00 AM Mixed Sambar (1 bowl) (two) Idlis
12:00 PM Paneer made with skim milk, 100 grams
2:00 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
2:10 PM (1.5 katori) curd One katori of Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi
1 roti and 1 chapati

4:00 PM Fruits, cut (1 cup) One glass of buttermilk
5:30 PM (0.5 tea cup) Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar
8:50 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
9:00 PM Cooked Green Gram Whole Dal (1 Katori)(1 Katori) Bhindi sabzi
1 roti and 1 chapati

Bay 7 Weight Loss Diet Plan

  • Begin the seventh day with besan chili and green garlic chutney.
  • Palak chole and steaming rice should be served for lunch.
  • Enjoy some paneer stew and missi roti to end the week on a healthy note.

Day 7 Diet Chart

6:30 AM One glass of cucumber detox water
8:00 AM Green garlic chutney and two cheelas of besan chilla
12:00 PM Paneer made with skim milk, 100 grams
2:00 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
2:10 PM One bowl of pak choy Rice Steamed (0.5 Katori)
4:00 PM Apple (1 small (2-3/4′′ dia. ), 1 glass of buttermilk
5:30 PM Tea with Milk and Less Sugar (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Salad of mixed vegetables (1 Katori)
9:00 PM( 1 katori) Low-fat paneer curry (1 Roti) Missi Roti


Men’s and Women’s Balanced Diet Plans for Losing Weight

Making sure your diet is balanced and that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs is crucial when planning your diet. Consequently, be careful to incorporate the following nutrients into your diet plan.

1. Carbohydrates

Because they are the body’s main source of energy, carbohydrates should make up the majority of the daily calories you consume. The right type of carbs must be chosen, though.

For instance, simple carbohydrates like bread, biscuits, white rice, and wheat flour are unhealthy since they are high in sugar. Instead, choose complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber and minerals.

This is due to the fact that complex carbohydrates high in fiber take longer to digest, making them the greatest choice for weight management because they keep you fuller for longer. A few solid options for complex carbohydrates are brown rice, oats, and millets including ragi, jowar, and bajra.

2. Proteins

The majority of Indians don’t consume enough protein each day. This is problematic since the body needs proteins to create and repair tissue, muscles, cartilage, and skin as well as to improve blood circulation.

Additionally, a high-protein diet can aid in weight loss and muscle growth, which burns more calories than fat.

For instance, roughly 30% of your diet should be made up of protein, which can be found in the following foods: paneer, chickpeas, milk, eggs, lean meat, whole pulses (rajma, chole, and green gram), sprouts, and chickpeas. Every meal must include one serving of protein.

3. Fats

The body needs fats, the infamous food group because they aid in hormone production, vitamin absorption, and energy production.

Experts advise that healthy fats including polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, and Omega-3 fatty acids should make up 20% or one-fifth of your diet. Research has also shown that a healthy approach to your fat diet plan will be advantageous.

The best method to ingest fats, for instance, is to use a variety of oils for different meals, such as olive oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, soybean, sesame, sunflower, and groundnut oil, along with small amounts of butter and ghee. However, trans fats, which are present in baked goods and fried snacks, must be completely avoided.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins A, E, B12, D, calcium, and iron are required for the body to function properly and to support metabolism, neuron and muscle function, bone maintenance, and cell production.

To increase vitamin and mineral consumption, specialists and nutritionists advise eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables.

Together with a healthy eating plan for weight loss, these routines will help you maintain your health:

Try eating three smaller meals instead of three large ones, plus a few brief snack breaks throughout the day. You can prevent bloating, acid reflux, and hungry feelings by spacing out your meals at regular intervals. By including healthy snack options in your Indian diet plan, you may stop consuming junk food.

Eat dinner earlier: Indians typically eat dinner later than people in other cultures. The metabolism slows down after dinner, which could lead to weight gain. Experts advise having your final meal of the day by 8 o’clock at night.

Drink a lot of water: How does increasing your water intake assist in weight loss? First off, there are no calories in it. Drinking water may also help control hunger cravings. Drink six to eight glasses of water each day to reduce weight. Here you may also find a list of drinks that can help you lose weight.

Consume enough fiber: An individual needs at least 15 grams of fiber daily since it helps with digestion and heart health. Apples, broccoli, lentils, flax seeds, and lentils are some excellent sources of dietary fiber.

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