10 Ways to Maintain Healthy Lifestyle

What is a Healthy Lifestyle?

In 1946, the World Health Organization issued a definition of health that read: “A complete state of mental, physical, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease.”

According to Wikipedia, a lifestyle refers to a person’s way of life. This covers social interaction, consumption, entertainment, and clothing trends. A person’s attitudes, ideals, or worldview are frequently also reflected in their lifestyle. A “balanced life” in which one makes “wise choices” is typically used to describe healthy living.

A final definition of a Healthy lifestyle is The collection of choices made by people that have an impact on their health.


There are 10 Tips to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Eat a healthy diet For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle


A variety of foods, such as fruit, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains, should be consumed. The recommended daily intake for adults is five servings (400g) of fruit and vegetables. You can increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables by always incorporating them in your meals, snacking on fresh fruit and vegetables, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, and eating them when they are in season. By maintaining a nutritious diet, you can lower your chance of developing cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as well as malnutrition.

2. Consume less salt and sugar


Filipinos consume twice as much sodium as is advised, which raises their risk of hypertension and, eventually, heart disease and stroke. For most people, salt is their main source of sodium. Limit your salt intake to 5g per day, or around 1 teaspoon. Choose low-sodium foods and reduce your usage of salt, soy sauce, fish sauce, and other high-sodium condiments when preparing meals to make this easier. Additionally, you should avoid salty snacks and remove salt from the dinner table.

On the other hand, taking excessive amounts of sugar increases your chances of tooth decay and unhealthful weight gain. Both adults and children should consume less than 10% of their total daily calories from free sugars. This is equivalent to 12 teaspoons or 50g for an adult. The WHO recommends less than 5% of total energy intake for added health benefits. You can reduce your daily sugar intake by consuming fewer sugary snacks, candies, and beverages with added sugar.

3. Reduce intake of harmful fats


More than 30% of your overall calorie intake shouldn’t be fat. By doing this, NCDs and unhealthy weight gain will be reduced. Despite the fact that there are many different kinds of fats, unsaturated fats are preferred to trans- and saturated fats. The World Health Organization advises cutting down on saturated and trans fats to fewer than 10% and 1% of total calories, respectively, and replacing them with unsaturated fats instead of both.

Fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, milk, cheese, ghee, and lard are all sources of saturated fats. In addition to pre-packaged snacks and meals like frozen pizza, cookies, biscuits, and cooking oils and spreads, baked and fried foods also include trans-fats. The healthier unsaturated fats are found in fish, avocado, nuts, sunflower, soybean, canola, and olive oils.

4. Avoid the harmful use of alcohol


For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle, There is no safe amount of alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption can cause serious health issues like mental and behavioral disorders, including alcoholism, significant NCDs such as liver cirrhosis, some malignancies, and heart diseases, as well as injuries brought on by violence and traffic accidents.

5. Don’t smoke For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle


Smoking contributes to NCDs like lung disease, heart disease, and stroke. Tobacco kills even non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke from a smoker. In the Philippines, there are 15.9 million adult smokers, but 7 out of 10 of them are either interested in quitting or have intentions to do so.

You still have time to stop smoking if you act straight away. Your health will improve as a result, both immediately and over time. As long as you don’t smoke, that’s great! Don’t start smoking to protect your right to breathe in tobacco-free air.

6. Be active For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle


The phrase “physical activity” is most important for Maintain Healthy Lifestyle it refers to any skeletal muscle-driven motion requiring the expenditure of energy. This includes physical exercise as well as activities carried out while working, playing, taking care of household chores, traveling, and having fun. For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle you may need more or less exercise depending on your age group, but everybody between the ages of 18 and 64 needs to exercise for at least 150 minutes per week at a moderate level. Increase moderate-intensity exercise to 300 minutes per week for added health benefits.

7. Check your blood pressure regularly


The term “silent killer” refers to hypertension or high blood pressure. This is due to the fact that many hypertensive individuals may not be aware of the issue since it may not present with any symptoms. Hypertension can cause renal, heart, brain, and other illnesses if it is not under control. Have a health professional check your blood pressure on a regular basis so you are aware of your levels. Seek the assistance of a health professional if your blood pressure is high. In order to avoid and manage hypertension, this is essential.

8. Drink only safe water For Healthy Lifestyle


Waterborne illnesses like cholera, diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid, and polio can be contracted by drinking contaminated water. At least 2 billion people utilize feces-contaminated drinking water sources worldwide. To be sure that the water you’re drinking is safe, check with your water concessionaire and water refilling station. Boil your water for at least a minute if you are in an environment where you are unsure of your water supply. Waterborne pathogens will be eliminated as a result. Prior to drinking, let it cool naturally.

9. Take antibiotics only as prescribed


One of the major concerns to public health in our generation is antibiotic resistance. Bacterial infections become more difficult to treat when antibiotic effectiveness declines, which raises healthcare expenditures, lengthens hospital stays and increases mortality. Antibiotics are becoming less effective as a result of overuse and inappropriate use in both humans and animals. Keep in mind to only take antibiotics if a doctor prescribes them. Moreover, adhere to the recommended treatment regimen. Never distribute antibiotics.

10. Have regular check-ups For Healthy Lifestyle


For Maintain Healthy Lifestyle Regular checks can help identify health risks at an early stage. Health care specialists can help in recognizing and diagnosing health concerns, which increases your chances of receiving treatment and a cure. Visit the medical facility that is most convenient for you to find out more about the diagnostic procedures, therapies, and other medical services that are provided there.

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